Meeting of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”

On 23 January 2019 the contents of the special issue of scientific professional edition “Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine” 4/2(58)’2018 devoted to counteraction to domestic violence in the context of legislative changes was approved at the meeting of the Editorial Board.

The choice of topic of the issue is subject to amendments and supplements to the national legislation under the Law of Ukraine of 6 December 2017 No. 2227-VIII “On Amendments to Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine to Implement the Provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Fight against These Phenomena”.

The articles are devoted to the issues of implementation of new provisions of the legislation, prosecutor’s activities in preventing and combating domestic violence, psychological aspects of preventing and combating domestic violence and international experience in the sphere.